To determine which areas we will focus our efforts in, the initial step is to investigate that there is a significant working horse population.
Then from there the next step is to identify the working equids ‘needs and what real challenges are being faced. Through observation and face to face conversation with horse owners we find out about; current access to equine service providers, working life, income, health issues and common problems that that certain population of working horses has.

Once we have established that an intervention is needed then we collect vital base-line data so that we can design a community based program that is specific to those needs.

Currently our focus is in the Ngabe (Guaymi) Indigenous communities in southern Costa Rica, the pack horse association at Chirripo National Park, and currently starting work with Bribri and Cabecar indigenous communities located at the Caribbean part of Costa Rica.

In the beautiful country of Costa Rica, in Central America, many of the communities we work with are located in the south. We have also reached to the northwest coast and the Caribbean area.

In the beautiful country of Costa Rica, in Central America, many of the communities we work with are located in the south. We have also reached to the northwest coast and the Caribbean area.



Para determinar en cuáles áreas enfocaremos nuestro esfuerzo, el paso inicial es investigar que ahí hay una población de caballos de trabajo significativa. De ahí, nuestro siguiente paso es identificar las necesidades de los equinos de trabajo y cuáles son los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos. Por observación y conversaciones en persona con los dueños de caballos que llegamos a conocer, nos informamos de proveedores de servicios, su vida de trabajo, ingresos, asuntos médicos y de salud, así como otros problemas comunes que sufren los caballos de trabajo.

Una vez que hemos establecido que la intervención es necesaria, recolectamos información fundamental y construimos una base de datos con la que podemos diseñar un programa comunal que específicamente trate sus necesidades.

Actualmente nos enfocamos en las comunidades indígenas de Ngabe (Guaymi) al sur de Costa Rica, la Asociación de Arrieros del Parque Nacional Chirripó, e iniciamos labores con las comunidades indígenas Bribri y Cabecar ubicadas en la zona caribeña de Costa Rica.